International Protocols that we fight to offer

Prevenet and Combat drug trafficking, continuous updating with international agencies, we are always at the forefront with our agents in the fight against drugs.

International Collaboration Protocols

Interested to collaborate with DEA, Interpol, Europol, update institutions, coordinate drug demand reduction activities.

Innovative Prevention Protocols

Create recovery protocols, profile drug addicts, collaborate with government agencies and state departaments.

National Anti-Drugs Agency Collaboration

Interested to be affiliated with European agencies, signatories of collaboration protocol with national anti-drugs agency.

Projects that we suggest !

Innovative prevention and recovery protocols for drug addicts profiling government agencies, state institutions and people.

Drug Addicts Profiling

Creating innovative protocols for profiling drug addicts in government agencies

Prevention Protocols Development

Developing new prevention protocols for drug demand reduction activities

Recovery Protocols Implementation

Implementing recovery protocols for drug addicts in state departments.

Collaboration Protocol Signing

Signing collaboration protocols with national and international anti-drugs agencies